Stainless Marine's No-slack standard indicators are recognized as the most accurate in the marine industry. All No-slack indicators utilize a triple-wound constant-force stainless steel spring to keep the inner cable under 4.3 pounds of tension. This results in a pull-pull operation instead of the push-pull found in every other indicator. Push-pull control cables have, by design, about 1/4" of slack built in which causes a major inconsistency in the readout. No-slack indicators have an inherent accuracy of a few thousandths of an inch. The indicator cable is exclusively used by Stainless Marine, and is flexible enough to make a 1" radius turn. Actuators are available for all late model V6 outboards, most sterndrives, most jackplates, K-planes, Bennett trimtabs. All actuators are available with Morse type cable attachment for Mercury, Bluewater, Livorsi, etc. Note that in the accompanying photos, that the final adjustment is made with the thumbwheel located at the bottom of the indicator head, requiring no tools. A complete line of actuators and thru hulls are available in polished 316 stainless steel. Simply the FINEST trim indicators manufactured! Kits include Indicator,Cable and Actuator.